Month: April 2014

  • Developing a New Business Online – Trust is Key

    If you think about it, trust is really key to most everything we do. They say the more we trust, the more ability we have to navigate the environment to reach our goals. It is like a give and take situation where the more you give the more you get in return. Some examples of…

  • Home Business Start-Up – Not to Worry

    While it is useless and counter-productive to worry about either the past or the future, we do of course need to be concerned about the present. This is why being in a desperate situation may not be the best time to start any new venture. In any case, it might go a long way to…

  • Do Unto Others When Using an Online Helpdesk

    Empathy or ‘walking in someone else’s shoes’ (before you judge them) is always the key to inter-network communications. We have organizations that protect everyone in the ‘workplace’ from unfair treatment. Yet sometimes people are so abusive and insulting to customer service agents especially when feeling ‘anonymous’ online. To start out with, the fact is that…