Month: June 2017

  • Find Your Niche and Make Money Online

    Find Your Niche and Make Money Online

    In today’s training I’m going to dig into the topic, the concern, the issue of trying to choose a niche if you’re just getting started. I think for most of you, it’s trying to choose an angle within your niche. We could call that a sub-niche, we could call that an angle, or a deeper…

  • How to Remember & Use What You Read

    How to Remember & Use What You Read

    You read a book and a week later you hardly remember a thing. You watch a video and a day later it’s lost from your memory… The fix? Always write down your three biggest takeaways from anything nonfiction that you read or watch. Keep a notebook or file just for this purpose. Review it often.…

  • 5 Myths about Affiliate Marketing

    5 Myths about Affiliate Marketing

    Bad information keeps many people from making money online. People give a half-hearted effort to one form of marketing, get disappointed that it didn’t work, and then cry out to the world that it no longer works… How many times have you seen one of these headlines: “Email Marketing Is Dead!” “SEO No Longer Works…