Month: November 2015

  • Starting a Legitimate Affiliate Marketing Business

    Starting a Legitimate Affiliate Marketing Business

    When you begin attempting to build a legitimate Internet business from the ground up and you list the necessary elements, few people would have the skills or experience required. In lieu of those, few have the money to pay for the services they do not know how to do themselves. Whatever the business is, it…

  • Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say

    Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say

    Building trusting relationships is important in business – whether with your prospects, customers, peers, or vendors, etc. All good relationships are based on all parties being honest and open. If you say something is so, then make it happen. Sometimes something unexpected may prevent you from meeting your commitment. Stuff happens, but then just be…

  • Online Business Opportunities and Reviewing ‘Scam Buster’ Websites

    Online Business Opportunities and Reviewing ‘Scam Buster’ Websites

    It is unfortunately true that there are dishonest business practices. The fact that people believe they are anonymous on the Internet has allowed there to be a frontier for dishonest schemes. There is dishonesty everywhere however and it is not something new to the Internet. So we do need ‘watchdogs’ that may reveal something that…