Month: December 2015

  • The Early Bird Gets the Best Ideas

    The Early Bird Gets the Best Ideas

    They say that our most creative time is first thing in the morning. We can also supposedly retain information best at this time. Obviously if we have rested sufficiently, then we have the maximum amount of energy we will have for the day when we wake up, (allowing time to stumble around a little and…

  • How to Make Money with Affiliate Programs

    With affiliate marketing programs, it really helps if you are able to work well with others. Affiliate programs may also be called ‘referral programs’, which normally involve commission-based sales. If you recommend an opportunity to your visitors and they accept, you will then earn a percentage of any sale you make. You’ll benefit from your…

  • How to Keep Your Subscribers Engaged Over Time

    As an experiment, subscribe to several different e-mail marketing opt-in lists to find out which ones are effective. Many online businesses send promotional materials to subscribers in an effort to generate more traffic and sales. They may send newsletters, catalogs, bulletins or updates and many more promotional materials to their visitors. Obviously some formats have…

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