Month: May 2016

  • Keeping to the Straight and Narrow

    Keeping to the Straight and Narrow

    Doesn’t sound like a lot of fun, does it? However, when it comes to business it is the way to go for success. Of course having a home business is not as rigid as a 9 to 5 job. You will be surprised how much having your own time schedule not only gives you so…

  • Don’t Ever Let Yourself Feel Desperate

    Seriously whatever the original problem is, it is just going to be made much worse if you allow yourself to feel desperate. People get into all kinds of horrible situations because they feel desperate. You are not thinking straight or being at all logical when you are feeling desperate. So of course your emotions will…

  • Do You Just Feel Average?

    It may be that you have never considered yourself particularly creative or talented. You got through school and got a job and you should be thankful for both. The point though is that feeling of just being average may be what you feel precludes you from seeing yourself as a future ‘entrepreneur’ or someone who…

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