Month: July 2016

  • Keep Up the Good Work!

    Keep Up the Good Work!

    Regardless of immediate results, you are doing great at whatever you are doing! Why? Simply because you are doing it! Yes – A for effort! If you stick to it, you may be able to accomplish something tangible, if that is your goal. The point is if you are not doing anything but wasting your…

  • Your Internet Business Can Be Like a School

    People might be very surprised if they found out how much is really available online. For example community colleges have free or very inexpensive courses that can be done completely online. Even various certificates of achievement can be earned in this way. So at that price you can take something you are curious about or…

  • Home Biz Issues: Why Do People Procrastinate?

    Procrastination really is something that people should try to avoid. However it seems like a given with many people. They seem incapable of sticking to a schedule or in doing things in a timely way. It is so pervasive that it appears they need the pressure of always being late or behind in order to…

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