Month: October 2017

  • Turning Refunds into Customers for Life

    Turning Refunds into Customers for Life

    When you get that dreaded email that says, “I don’t like this, please refund my money…” what do you do? Most marketers make the refund and forget about it. But what you might not realize is that a refund request can be the perfect opportunity to create a customer for life, if you handle it…

  • Online Marketing in a Nutshell (Sifting for Diamonds in the Rough)

    Imagine all the prospects you attract to your business as being a large mound of gravel. But hidden in that gravel are diamonds. Your job is to sift through the gravel to find the diamonds, and to do this as cheaply and effectively as possible. You want to spend the majority of your marketing time…

  • 33 Tactics to Grow Your Business… Without Spending a Penny on Marketing!

    Imagine growing your e-commerce site from nothing to $50,000 in monthly revenue just three months after launching. Impossible? Actually, I’ve seen case studies that prove it can and does happen. “But it takes a big marketing budget, right?” Nope. If you know what you’re doing and you’re willing to put in the work, every single…

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