Month: March 2018

  • How to Get the Most Exposure on Facebook

    How to Get the Most Exposure on Facebook

    Advertisements You’ve got to remember that the one thing Facebook cares about is keeping people on Facebook as long as possible, so they can show as many ads as possible and make the most money they can. That’s why they’re going to push posts that are getting attention to the top of peoples’ newsfeeds. Now…

  • How to Make a Small List Pay BIG

    Advertisements You’re just starting out and your list only has 500 or 1,000 people. While it’s true you would gladly trade your small list for one that’s 100 times bigger, it’s also true that if you treat your little list right, you can still make really good money. How does that work? By getting personal.…

  • Sneaky Tips to Get Your Emails Opened

    Advertisements You work hard to write the perfect email – and then nobody even opens the darn thing. Sigh. What’s a marketer to do? Try a new subject line using one of the following tactics: Insert your personality and get personal. Let’s face it – no one gets excited by dry toast, which is precisely…

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