Advertise Business Opportunities by Purchasing a Mailing List


There are so many benefits to using direct mail to advertise your business. The cost is cheap, you can specifically target your audience and you can accurately figure out the response rate. The question with direct mail ultimately becomes; how do I get the contact info for people I want to send my mailer to? The answer is simple. You get yourself a mailing list.

There are many ways to acquire your mailing list. You might even be sitting on one right now and not even know it. If you are already in business, chances are you’ve had customers who have bought your product or service. Keep critical information about all your customers and you have your very own list. Your direct mail piece should be sent to these customers.  They’ve already spent money on your business; odds are they will do it again when you contact them.

Obviously to be successful, you’ll have to reach out to new customers and the best way to put together a list of potentials is to actually buy a mailing list. When you purchase a list, all the work is done for you. Demographic and geographical breakdowns, interests, income level; all of that is spelled out in the list you buy. You can specify whether you want an email address, physical address or phone number. You can essentially custom build your list to the potential customers you want to hit.

There are two types of mailing list; a compiled list and a response list. The compiled list includes info gathered from public sources; the response list includes people who have already agreed to be contacted about products and services. Now obviously the cost of the list is going to depend on the info you are looking for. Some lists can be had for as cheap as $125. Budgeting around $300-$400 might be a safer bet, though.

Popular sites like,, and are reliable and reputable places to purchase your mailing list. To get the most out of your direct mail piece, use the data you already have on existing customers and then purchase a mailing list, targeting specifically the audience you’re after. Hitting the right audience will allow the business to roll in!

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