Can You Write Content for Business?


Let me ask you another question. Can you talk? Well then you can write. If you have the ability to carry on a conversation whether verbal or email, etc, then you can write. It is that simple. Yet you see blog after blog that is completely blank or that hasn’t been used in months. This is a huge waste of free marketing and advertising. Why?

Why? Lazy? Busy? If you are really serious about having your own online business then you have to overcome lazy and busy. If you do, there will be no so-called ‘writer’s block’. You see writer’s block is just not having any ideas about what to write about. But no excuse there either because this is about your business – your experience with learning the ropes of an online business, what you are learning, what you like or don’t like about any particular aspect of Internet marketing; what you would change.

Best of all this is a golden opportunity to introduce people to your product or service. A blog is a perfect place to explain all of the features and benefits of becoming a member or buying a product. You can go into any details you want to about it from basics to more technical. If you don’t have a track record yourself yet, then you can still honestly give a review based on what others have said and be sure to ‘quote’ whoever it is.

There are a million things to write about in the world – just about everything that happens is worth writing about. However again with having a specific subject like an online home business you can even make a list of keywords that you build over time and then you can use them in the topic or subject lines of your document as well as throughout the text or content.

That is the easiest way to get started writing even if you start out with 5 keywords and you build to 10 or 20 and of course don’t forget to create ‘long-tailed’ keyword phrases. An example of this would be if your root key word is ‘home business’ then you can add to that, ‘online home business’, ‘building a successful home business’, ‘making money from home business’ – you get it – phrases that use the root keyword in some meaningful way.

Once you start being aware of this you will be surprised how often you are dragging out your notepad to add another phrase that you can use to write something. They can actually be the subject or topic and you build your composition around them. It’s a very easy way to learn to write well for your business.

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