Home Biz Entrepreneurs – What’s Your Business?


There are so many millions of products and services in the world that you could pick any one or several and build a successful business around it. Don’t be fooled by the ‘old wive’s tale that any market is ‘saturated’. As long as whichever niche you are interested in is based on ‘making money’ then as long as people want to do that there will be no glut. Don’t think of all the reasons you might fail, but why you might succeed!

In many cases, if more people realized that they are not required to lay out a huge investment to buy inventory, they would know that they are actually able to start out on a ‘shoe string’ if their business is all or in part Internet-based. That’s the beauty of the virtual world. A picture or image and a description will do quite nicely when added to a website or blog. If you have a source for the product or service, then all you need is a free payment button and a simple order form and you can get started.

With the model described above it is actually still a little more labor-intensive not only to set up but to maintain. It is ‘good to go’ but not exactly ‘passive’ which is the ideal online. Passive or autopilot means that you do not have to interact with your customers on a regular basis to process their orders. Yet you may generate sales even while fast asleep. This is where the beauty of affiliate marketing programs comes in. These programs do it all from setting it up to running it for you. All you need to do is go to the bank with your commissions as far as your participation in the sales transaction.

With that said, however you still have an important job. That is to market and advertise to promote your business. While you don’t have to be there 24/7 to do this, you do need to be fairly aggressive and consistent. It doesn’t matter how good your stuff is because nobody knows it is there or anything about it unless you tell them. So you can use various strategies to get your message out there.

Of course eMail marketing is a main Internet marketing technique that will allow you to reach thousands of people using an autoresponder and a list of prospects. There are various resources you can use to build that list and keep building it so that you always have ‘fresh’ possibilities.

It is also very important to follow-up with the existing list as not all people will say yes. In fact the statistic used for many years is that someone may have to see something 5 or 6 times before they actually take action. So don’t give up after the first time.

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