Home Biz Procedures


You could have been very conscientious in preparing your business plan and a schedule of procedures that you need to remember daily, weekly, etc. to be sure your business is running smoothly. However, stuff happens, so you need to check every so often to be sure everything is how you remember.

Seriously, believe it or not there are things called ‘glitches’ – These are often defined as everything that you can’t figure out and/or there is no logical reason for. They really do exist. It can be something as small as a nanosecond where your system goes off and in the process it turns something off or on that shouldn’t be. Thank heaven they are pretty rare usually.

So you may rightly have a schedule where you check various things on your website and for the maintenance thereof such as domain name, hosting, etc. You may also include to check your affiliate programs for commissions, communications, etc. You should also include checking any settings there to be sure they are still turned on or off as you want them to be.

This can kind of get expensive if it is just the wrong thing that prevents you from earning commissions or being paid at certain junctures. For example some programs will withhold your payments until you reach $50 and then send a check or direct deposit. Particularly for ‘global’ members this is good for you as you pay less in currency conversion fees to make one large deposit periodically rather than every time you get $10.

Really serious would be if you think you have an advertising campaign that is running actively but it has actually been turned off and you are not doing any advertising. I could go on where you think you are running five campaigns simultaneously and you are actually only running one.

With all that comes the inevitable purposeful change to protocol or procedure at one of your companies. You need to stay on top of the news on the site. Do not trust email and believe that if there are any changes they will email you. Did you know only about 60% of email is ever delivered? And that is an old statistic – it is probably even less now with more spam and scam and deficient spam blockers that send real mail to spam. You have to check.

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