Home Business Blogger – Is Your Writing Emotional Enough?


There are a few beliefs about using ‘power words’ and ‘emotional writing’ for your blog, your emails and your other advertising. ‘They’ say that if you don’t grab somebody’s attention in the first few seconds you are likely to lose them altogether. Even if they do stay, if your writing is flat and they feel bored, they probably won’t stick around to finish reading your document.

For an example let’s compare text books with novels. Isn’t it the text books that you had to force yourself to read when you were in school? Did you really have to make an effort not to fall asleep or to zone out while you are reading (and not remember a thing you read)? The text book has its purpose and value for sure – to give the facts and statistics; but entertaining they are not. Novels on the other hand can be exciting and entertaining and hold your interest.

With business writing you want a happy medium. You do want to be seen as serious and knowledgeable – you do have your facts straight, and can communicate them clearly; but you want it to be more emotional and exciting so as to compel someone to want more information or to transact a sale outright.

In the case of an Internet home business it is actually a little more casual than a regular business, so you also want to convey that you are friendly and a potential ally. You have something in common with the people you are trying to reach. They can talk to you if they want to and you will try to help them to answer any questions or concerns they might have. You have similar concerns and may speak from your own experience or if very new, can quote either your mentor or coach or a public document with credit for the author.

There are various lists of ‘power words’ that professional bloggers and Internet marketing writers refer to and it makes it super easy to use those words that will make your document exciting and compelling rather than ho-hum and boring. An excellent resource is this site, and there are some good lists here although there are many more lists you may be able to find just by searching for them.


Besides being a resource with real value that you can use freely, this is also an example of how the site’s owner, Jon Morrow, really endears himself to people by giving freely of what information that he has. You will note he does not miss the opportunity to have a few lead capture portals such as free reports in exchange for your email address. He is also wise enough to monetize his site by having a page with his own products that are for sale.

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