Internet Marketing – Realizing Your Dream


When you were a kid did you dream about what you want to be when you grow up? You probably changed your mind several times by the time you grew up! If you had a solid idea of what you wanted to do by this time, you may have planned to attend college to create a reality from your dream. You researched which colleges had the best options, the best cost, decent housing costs for living either on campus or in an apartment, etc. You may have done this routine with a few different schools before you determined if one was just right for you or as close to it as possible.

The point is people have to create a plan that includes their ability to pay the costs, do the work, etc. If you want your dream(s) to become your reality, you have to create a plan and research it as you develop it into a step-by-step process that will get you where you want to go. You also need the ability to change direction when necessary. Your plans need to be both focused and flexible.

After graduation it will be the same type of planning where you will need to find the companies that are hiring in your field. Some of the things you will need to know to decide if it could be right for you are for instance, where is the company located? Will the company pay you close to what you are expecting? *(they say don’t ask this until you have been through a few interviews with that company). Will you or they be willing to compromise if not? Who do you need to see to arrange an interview? Since plans are usually dependent on different factors, some of which are beyond your control, you may at least consider what other options you may have. It is best to plan for contingencies.

If you dream of creating an Internet marketing (IM) business, then all of the above still applies. However, IM seems to attract its share of ‘mavericks’. Entrepreneurs do not necessarily have college degrees, so don’t give up if you can’t hack college. IM Entrepreneurs just need initiative and motivation and be willing to learn. If necessary there are other (much cheaper) options to learning online part-time so that you can still support yourself and/or build your business while you are learning. Check out ‘Community Colleges’. These schools actually are accredited (you can earn a valid degree).

You can start out to see if you like the industry just by joining an affiliate marketing program online for a few dollars. It wouldn’t be such a far stretch to assume that with a little hands-on experience in the field, you could start your own membership program.

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