Pros And Cons When You Work At Home


If you’re considering the idea of working from home, one of the first things you need to do is make a list of the pros and cons of such a move. Here’s a list that will help you decide whether you should work at home:


–Set your own hours. If you’ve always been a night person, you can work at night. For the most part, when you work at home it doesn’t matter when the work gets done, only that it gets done.

–Be home for the kids. While it’s nice to be there when your children are young, some would argue it’s even more important to be home for tween and teens. Having an adult home often cuts down on bad behavior and also gives children a sense of security.

–More personal freedom. You don’t have to beg for a vacation or a day off. You don’t have to take a sick day when your child is sick. Working from home gives you amazing personal freedom that you cannot put a price tag on.

–Save money and time. You’ll save money on gas and all commuter-related expenses. Instead of going out to lunch, you’ll eat at home, which is always less expensive. And jeans and a t-shirt cost less than a power suit.


–Potential pay cut. Many times people who work from home earn less than their office counterparts.

–Isolation. This is one of the biggest drawbacks of working from home and not everyone can handle being alone all the time. You must

be self-motivating and not allow household distractions to dominate your day.

–Benefits. In many cases when you work at home you are considered an independent contractor and therefore not eligible for benefits, including health insurance.

–Lower chance of advancement. If you work for someone else, you’re probably not as likely to get tapped for a promotion. However, if you own your own business, this is not a consideration.

You may have your own things to add to this list of pros and cons, but listening to your gut instincts is one intangible you cannot measure.

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