Sometimes You Just Have to Do It!


Thinking about doing something gets the ball rolling eventually, and sometimes self-talk and visualization can help you get started and/or keep going. However there may be times that you just have to do something, anything – just to improve your self-esteem and get your blood rolling. If it is something you can actually see that you have accomplished it can really help you to progress in your life to accomplish something meaningful.

Even something that has nothing to do with what you actually want to do in the end – your idea or vision if you already have one, can help you build yourself up. You may laugh but just anything that you can do well in your own eyes. It can be something as simple as making the bed, mowing the lawn, baking a cake. It also helps if what you can do can be appreciated by others who may even express it to you! (You can be worshiped for chocolate cake).

The whole idea is to convince yourself that you can accomplish things and are a productive person. Many times when we are feeling badly about things it is because we don’t have enough of this in our lives. We just live on a hamster wheel and go through the motions of what we have to do to stay afloat; and we forget there are other things we enjoy doing. “Stop and smell the roses”?

Believe it or not there are actually retired professionals (and really successful where they were able to retire in their 50s) that do things like build Leggo cities or huge jigsaw puzzles. Child’s play! They find it relaxing and enjoyable and they can’t wait to get up in the morning so they can get back to their projects! They always seem to be finding something new to start. Doesn’t this sound happier than staring at the TV?

So even something completely useless otherwise can be what makes you happy and gets you going back on the track where you might actually one day have it in you to start a part-time online business from home! Nothing better than a hobby that can generate income! In fact if you can’t particularly relate to computers or the Internet as a business, you could create a business directly from your hobby – like making ceramic gifts, jewelry, soaps and candles, or food gifts.

Whatever you do it would be foolish not to use the Internet to promote it. It is a thousand times more inexpensive and easier to reach hundreds of people with one effort. The Internet can also serve you in a million ways whatever business you start, for example for research purposes, and even collecting the money for your sales.

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