Tag: affiliate program

  • Do You Want to Work From Home?

    Do You Want to Work From Home?

    It sounds glorious and it really is. To be able to avoid those unpleasant parts of your day like getting up to a blaring alarm clock, getting ready for work on the fly, flying out the door to be stuck in traffic. The list goes on! You may imagine you wouldn’t know what to do…

  • Home Biz Procedures

    Home Biz Procedures

    You could have been very conscientious in preparing your business plan and a schedule of procedures that you need to remember daily, weekly, etc. to be sure your business is running smoothly. However, stuff happens, so you need to check every so often to be sure everything is how you remember. Seriously, believe it or…

  • What Motivates Greed & Selfishness?

    What Motivates Greed & Selfishness?

    It is very surprising when someone who has been given everything absolutely free and without obligation for years, has no concept of appreciation or reciprocation. It is beyond their level of awareness that after giving everything away for so long that maybe there is now a need for the giver to try to generate some…