Tag: Starting an Online Business

  • How to Get the Most Exposure on Facebook

    How to Get the Most Exposure on Facebook

    Advertisements You’ve got to remember that the one thing Facebook cares about is keeping people on Facebook as long as possible, so they can show as many ads as possible and make the most money they can. That’s why they’re going to push posts that are getting attention to the top of peoples’ newsfeeds. Now…

  • How to Get Your Blog Posts Read

    Advertisements I feel almost silly writing an article on this topic, because I can sum it up in one sentence: Write about your own personal experiences in story form. That’s it! People love stories – especially true ones – that show you overcame an obstacle, solved a problem, created something positive and so forth. So…

  • How to Avoid Magical Thinking When Starting a Business Online

    The main problems with magical thinking all seem to be related. The cycle goes something like this: It starts with not being realistic or logical in our thinking as far as what we can reasonably expect. There are not many places you can go from there, other than to become disillusioned when it doesn’t happen.…

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