Tag: work from home

  • Your Internet Business Can Be Like a School

    Your Internet Business Can Be Like a School

    People might be very surprised if they found out how much is really available online. For example community colleges have free or very inexpensive courses that can be done completely online. Even various certificates of achievement can be earned in this way.So at that price you can take something you are curious about or interested…

  • Do You Want to Work From Home?

    Do You Want to Work From Home?

    It sounds glorious and it really is. To be able to avoid those unpleasant parts of your day like getting up to a blaring alarm clock, getting ready for work on the fly, flying out the door to be stuck in traffic. The list goes on! You may imagine you wouldn’t know what to do…

  • When Parents Work From Home

    When Parents Work From Home

    Because of financial necessity many parents believe they have no choice but to leave their children with daycare providers so that they can go to work outside the home. It would be better for the children if this wasn’t the case, and probably much easier if at least one parent had a way to work…