Tag: Working from Home

  • Loving Working from Home

    Loving Working from Home

    Most people, whether they realize it or not are ‘freedom-loving’. Working from home is a great example of being able to have a life that is free. Not that you can shirk your responsibilities or that you don’t have to work, but it is just the whole dynamic that allows you to be free. It…

  • You’ve Got it Going On If You Are Working At Home

    You’ve Got it Going On If You Are Working At Home

    Working at home is really almost like not working. When you compare, you would be surprised how much of the ‘stress’ in the environment at your job has absolutely nothing to do with the actual work you do. Depending on what the environment is/was like for you in your career, this will make sense to…

  • The Early Bird Gets the Best Ideas

    The Early Bird Gets the Best Ideas

    They say that our most creative time is first thing in the morning. We can also supposedly retain information best at this time. Obviously if we have rested sufficiently, then we have the maximum amount of energy we will have for the day when we wake up, (allowing time to stumble around a little and…