Month: February 2018

  • If You Want to Capture Your Reader’s Attention…

    There was once a very sexy commercial on television with the line, “If you want to capture someone’s attention, whisper.” Of course it showed a beautiful woman whispering into a man’s ear – and it was also false advertising. Can you guess why? Because it wasn’t the whispering that was capturing attention – it was…

  • 4 Ways to Steal Traffic

    No worries – this is completely honest and ethical, and it’s a great way to begin sending free traffic to your new website. Diverting traffic from other websites is one of the easiest methods of gaining free traffic. Ideally, you’ll want to “steal” this traffic from high traffic websites, because the more traffic your target…

  • The Postman

    Each day, the postman goes to the depot, collects his van full of letters and parcels and sets out on his route, delivering his packages. As he walks, he often comes across businesses and people that he sees every day. There’s one house in particular that he often has parcels for, and the owner always…