Month: March 2018

  • Your Traffic Methods Determine Your Income

    Your Traffic Methods Determine Your Income

    Advertisements I see new marketers all the time who have a goal of a $100,000 per year or even a million dollars per year. And how are they getting their traffic? They’re happily submitting articles, writing blog posts and commenting in forums and blogs. Now, if your goal is to earn an extra $1,000-$2,000 per…

  • 9 Ways to Be Certain You’ll Fail in Internet Marketing

    Advertisements Success is great, but failure is EASIER! Come on… I know you can do it. Here’s how: 1. Be filled with doubt. Cultivate it at every step, looking for reasons why you will fail, why your business plan won’t work, why effort is fruitless and hopeless. People who are successful want that success, they…

  • What If You Simply Do The Opposite?

    Advertisements Over and over we hear how to succeed, how to achieve our goals and dreams, and so forth. And yet, somehow most people are falling far short of those goals and dreams… Now why is that? Perhaps it’s time to do the opposite. In a famous episode of Seinfeld, George Costanza was a perennial…

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